Monday, February 2, 2015

The Lord's Work Continues To Move Forward in Oatlands Ward‏

Dear family and friends,
     Wow I love missionary work! This week has been another incredible week! Miracles continue to happen each and every day. I just can't record them all. I have learned a lot about our loving Heavenly Father. He has infinite love for each of us and will bless us as we continue with faith and trust in Him. Here are a few of the events/ tender mercies that happened this week.
  • We got another 3 new investigators! One of them is from a less active family named the Hyland's. I may have mentioned it last week but we just met this woman and she mentioned that she had two kids that have never been baptized and they are both of age to be baptized. We talked to her about teaching her kids and she really desires that her kids get baptized. She also mentioned how much she still loves that church but is held back because of her husband who is catholic. We just met with the kids this week and it was really good. We are hoping and praying that the dad will allow us to help them to get baptized. But that was a blessing that we found that family and they are open to have us over.
  • In that past we tried so many of the houses of less-active members and we never could catch them home but this week we took members with us to visit. And we were finally able to meet all of those that we've tried for weeks to catch. That is the miracle that comes when you take members out with you.
  • We had a really funny experience this week as we took the Bishop's wife out with us visiting. We went to visit this less active and as we were walking up to the house we could begin to smell a terrible smell. The yard looked very savage and not taken care of. We could see dead cockroaches inside the window as we knocked on the door. This woman right away open the door as a big wave of animal urine BO came at us. This woman had bandages all over her face and she looked just a little crazy. We of course talked with her and she welcomed us into her home. We were not really wanting to go inside but we accepted her invitation. Inside was even worse! I could tell that all 3 of us were holding our breath as we went inside so that we didn't have to smell anything. It is so hard to even describe some of the things we saw inside this house. Dog poop on the ground, fish tank black and the fish barely able to move inside, rubbish everywhere, boxes stacked high to the ceiling, statues of pigs and these other squirrel looking things all staring at us. Lets just say it was a little hard to focus at that time. We all just wanted to go. But we got to know her a little bit and shared a brief scripture with her. She didn't really pay much attention to what we said and only wanted to talk herself. She didn't have any interest in what we shared. So we kindly said a prayer and left. Well I didn't realize just how much it had effected my companion. She was almost sick because of that house. It was crazy to see how some people live. That was one experience I will never forget. That sure made me more grateful for what I have and the hygiene that I've been taught to have. It also goes to show how much the gospel can help us in all aspects of life including health and wellness/ hygiene.
  • We went over to another one of our less-actives  house named whitney and made some cookies and brownies with her. It was so fun to be there and to talk with her and her sister. We then were able to deliver some cookies to various members and investigators thanking them for all that they do. It sure feels good to serve and make someone's day.
  • We had an appointment with one of our newer investigators named Angela.  She is a single mother of 4 girls and we love her! We have only met with her once and this time she had kept all of her commitments and was so excited to have us come and teach her. She is so keen and ready to hear the gospel! We invited her to be baptized and she said she would! We are now figuring out a right date for her. But miracles are happening and it is great that the Lord is trusting us with some of His choice children to teach and to show them the way. We are meeting with Angela today and can't wait to see her progress towards baptism.
  • Just yesterday we were able to take some of our investigators who struggle with being alcoholic's to a fireside. It took some time to get them there but they really enjoyed it and are looking forward to making big changes in their life for the better.
    Sorry if that didn't make much sense but those are some of the great things and experiences that happened this week. This work is absolutely amazing and I'm so grateful to be apart of it. I know that this is the Lord's church. It is so great to see the lives of many being changed by this great message of the restoration and the gospel of Jesus Christ. This gospel is true and can help others to come closer to God than any other. This is the way and I see that each and every day. The Lord has shown us the way and all he's asking us to do is follow Him and come unto Him. I hope that each of you are continually doing the small and simple things that will keep you strong and strengthen your testimony. Because the Lord is coming soon and NOW is the time to repent and to come unto Him.
I love you all and am very grateful for all the wonderful people that have helped me to become who I am today. May the Lord bless each of you!
Love always,
     Sister Sorensen

Kiara Pemberton is a little 8 year old girl that we love. she was just baptized on Saturday and we are so proud of her!

This is Sam and Stefanie, some of our investigators that went with us to the recent convert fireside. And also Milla who is one of our dear friends who helps us so much in the work.

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